Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

If you’re anything like me, you often find yourself biting your tongue to keep the peace and avoid upsetting people.

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We all hold back from expressing our true thoughts and feelings at times, and that’s often a good thing — it shows we have self-awareness and are considerate of the people around us. However, there are certain things you’re swallowing that really should be said aloud. Here are just a few things you shouldn’t hesitate to speak up about moving forward.

1. You need to admit when you’re struggling with your mental health.

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It’s common to put on a brave face and pretend everything’s fine, even when you’re struggling with anxiety or depression. However, acknowledging your struggles, both to yourself and people you trust, is a really important step towards getting support and overcoming these issues.

2. You should express your boundaries clearly and firmly.

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Many people struggle to set boundaries because they worry that they’ll come off as selfish or unkind. However, clearly stating your limits — whether it’s about workload, personal space, or emotional energy — is a must for maintaining healthy relationships and looking after yourself, too. Speak up!

3. You need to voice your career goals to your superiors.

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Keeping your professional goals to yourself won’t magically lead to promotions or new opportunities. Having open conversations with your managers about your career aspirations, desired responsibilities, and areas for growth can help align your path with the company’s needs and potentially open doors you didn’t know existed. And if there’s no room for growth where you’re at, it lets you know that it may be time to move on to greener pastures.

4. You should address financial worries in your relationship.

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Money is often a taboo topic, even in close relationships. However, being honest about financial issues, different spending habits, or long-term financial goals with your partner is so important. These conversations, despite being awkward or uncomfortable, can prevent misunderstandings and drama down the line.

5. You need to tell your friends when their behaviour upsets you.

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It’s tempting to brush off small annoyances to keep the peace, but over time, these can destroy friendships. Respectfully expressing when a friend’s actions or words have hurt you gives them the opportunity to understand your perspective and potentially adjust their behaviour, which can actually make your friendship stronger.

6. You should voice your opinion in group settings, even if it’s unpopular.

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In meetings or social settings, it’s easy to stay quiet when your view differs from the majority. However, offering a respectful, well-reasoned alternative perspective can lead to more interesting conversations and ensures that you’re not left feeling unseen and unheard. Your unique viewpoint might be exactly what the group needs to hear.

7. You need to communicate your needs in the bedroom.

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Discussing sexual preferences and desires can feel awkward, but it’s essential for a satisfying intimate life. Being open about what you enjoy, what you’d like to try, and what doesn’t work for you can lead to greater intimacy and mutual satisfaction with your partner.

8. You should express gratitude more openly and frequently.


We often feel thankful for people’s actions or presence in our lives but fail to express it out loud. Regularly voicing your appreciation, whether for big gestures or small everyday kindnesses, can majorly improve your relationships and overall positivity in your social circles.

9. You need to admit when you don’t understand something.

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At work or in school, it’s common to nod along even when you’re lost. However, admitting when you need clarification or further explanation is a sign of confidence, not weakness. It shows you’re engaged and committed to understanding, which can earn respect from colleagues and superiors.

10. You should voice your concerns about a friend’s harmful behaviour.


Watching a friend engage in self-destructive habits or unhealthy relationships is heartbreaking. While it’s easier to stay silent, expressing your concerns from a place of care can be the wake-up call they need. It may be uncomfortable, but it could potentially save them from serious consequences.

11. You need to tell your family members how their words affect you.

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Family dynamics often involve long-standing patterns that go unchallenged. Speaking up about how certain comments or behaviours impact you emotionally can be scary, but it’s often the first step towards healthier family relationships and personal growth.

12. You should express your cultural or religious needs in the workplace.

Liubomyr Vorona

Many people hesitate to request accommodations for their cultural or religious practices at work. However, voicing these needs — whether it’s time off for important holidays or a quiet space for prayer — is your right. It promotes a more inclusive work environment and allows you to bring your whole self to work.

13. You need to admit when you’ve made a mistake.

Liubomyr Vorona

Owning up to errors, especially significant ones, can be daunting. However, admitting your mistakes promptly and taking responsibility for them demonstrates integrity and maturity. It often leads to quicker resolutions and can even strengthen trust in professional and personal relationships.

14. You should voice your concerns about your child’s education to teachers.

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Many parents hesitate to speak up about their child’s educational needs or concerns, fearing they’ll be seen as difficult. However, respectfully communicating with teachers about your observations or worries can lead to better support for your child and a more collaborative approach to their education.

15. You need to tell your neighbours when their actions are disruptive.

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Noisy neighbours or those with inconsiderate habits can significantly impact your quality of life. While it’s tempting to suffer in silence to avoid conflict, calmly addressing the issue directly can often lead to a quick resolution and prevent long-term resentment.

16. You should express your feelings to someone you care about.

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Whether it’s romantic interest or deep platonic affection, expressing strong feelings can be nerve-wracking. However, openly sharing your emotions, even if they’re not reciprocated, can provide clarity and closure. It’s better to know where you stand than to wonder “what if” indefinitely.

17. You need to advocate for yourself in healthcare settings.

Many people hesitate to question healthcare providers or push for further tests or explanations. However, speaking up about your symptoms, concerns, or need for more information is crucial for receiving proper care. You know your body best, and your input is valuable in the diagnostic and treatment process.