Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

If you’ve been married for a long time, chances are you take for granted the fact that your wife is happy in the relationship.

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What reason does she have not to be, right? You might not understand her feelings, but if she’s doing these things, your wife could feel like there’s something missing between you. The sooner you figure out what that is, the quicker you can work together to try to fix things.

1. She’s become noticeably less affectionate with you.

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If your wife used to be quick with hugs, kisses, and casual touches but now seems to shy away from physical contact, it could be a sign she’s feeling disconnected. This doesn’t just apply to intimate moments — even day-to-day affection like holding hands or cuddling on the sofa might have decreased.

2. Her phone has become her constant companion.

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While it’s normal to use our phones a lot these days, if your wife seems glued to her screen even during meals or when you’re trying to have a conversation, it might be a way of avoiding deeper engagement. She could be looking for stimulation elsewhere, since she’s not getting it from your relationship.

3. She’s developed new interests that don’t include you.

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It’s healthy for partners to have separate hobbies, but if your wife has suddenly taken up new interests and doesn’t seem keen on sharing them with you, it could be a sign she’s looking for fulfilment outside the relationship. This is especially true if she’s secretive about these new activities.

4. Your conversations have become surface-level.

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If your chats have devolved into mere logistics about housework or childcare, with little discussion about feelings, dreams, or deeper topics, it might indicate emotional distance. When the spark of curiosity about each other’s inner worlds fades, it often signals a deeper disconnect.

5. She’s spending more time with friends or family without you.

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While maintaining outside relationships is important, if your wife is constantly choosing to spend time with other people instead of you, it could be a red flag. She might be desperate for the emotional connection or support that she feels is lacking in your marriage.

6. She’s become critical of things that never bothered her before.

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If your wife has started nitpicking at habits or traits of yours that she used to accept or even find endearing, it could be a sign of growing resentment or dissatisfaction. This increased criticism might be her way of expressing deeper frustrations with the relationship.

7. She’s less interested in intimacy.

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A noticeable decrease in sexual interest can often signal emotional distance. If your wife seems to avoid intimate moments or appears disengaged during them, it might indicate she’s feeling disconnected from you on a deeper level.

8. She’s become vague about her plans or whereabouts.

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If your usually open wife has started being evasive about where she’s going or what she’s doing, it could be a sign she’s creating distance. This doesn’t necessarily mean infidelity, but it does suggest she’s interested in experiences or connections outside the relationship.

9. She’s stopped sharing the little things with you.

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In a close relationship, partners often share small details about their day or random thoughts. If your wife has stopped doing this, it might mean she no longer sees you as her primary confidant, indicating a growing emotional gap.

10. She seems distracted or distant when you’re together.

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If your wife often seems lost in thought or disengaged when you’re spending time together, it could be a sign she’s feeling unfulfilled. This mental absence might indicate she’s longing for something more or different in her life or the relationship.

11. She’s become more independent in decision-making.

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While independence is healthy, if your wife has started making major decisions without consulting you, it could signal she’s disconnecting from the partnership. This might be her way of trying to find control or fulfilment she feels is missing from the relationship.

12. She’s expressed feeling ‘stuck’ or restless.

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If your wife has mentioned feeling trapped by routine or has expressed a vague desire for change without specifics, it could indicate she’s feeling unfulfilled. This restlessness might be her way of expressing a need for growth or excitement in her life and the relationship.

13. She’s less interested in making future plans with you.

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A reluctance to make long-term plans or discuss the future could be a sign your wife is unsure about the relationship’s direction. If she avoids talking about upcoming holidays or long-term goals, it might indicate she’s feeling uncertain about where things are headed.

14. She’s become more secretive about her phone or social media.

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If your wife has suddenly become protective of her phone or changed her social media passwords, it could suggest she’s looking for connections or validation outside the relationship. While this doesn’t necessarily mean infidelity, it does indicate a desire for privacy that wasn’t there before.

15. She’s stopped asking about your day or your feelings.

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When one partner stops showing curiosity about the other’s experiences or emotions, it often signals emotional disconnection. If your wife no longer asks how your day was or seems uninterested in your feelings, it might mean she’s emotionally checked out.

16. She’s spending more time alone.

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While everyone needs alone time, if your wife is constantly wanting to be alone and avoiding doing stuff with you, it could be a sign she’s feeling unfulfilled in the relationship. She might be using this time to reflect on her life and what’s missing from it.

17. She’s become more nostalgic about her past.

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If your wife frequently reminisces about her life before marriage or constantly talks about old friends and experiences, it might indicate she’s longing for something from her past. This could be a sign she feels something is missing in her current life.

18. She’s stopped putting effort into her appearance for you.

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While it’s normal for the early relationship primping to fade, if your wife has stopped making any effort to look nice for date nights or special occasions with you, it could suggest she’s no longer prioritising your attention or approval.

19. She’s become more defensive in arguments.

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If your wife seems to take every disagreement personally or becomes overly defensive, it might indicate underlying resentment or dissatisfaction. This heightened sensitivity could be a sign she’s feeling unfulfilled or misunderstood in the relationship.

20. She’s stopped sharing her dreams and aspirations with you.

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In a fulfilling relationship, partners often share their hopes and dreams. If your wife has stopped discussing her aspirations or seems reluctant to involve you in her future plans, it could mean she’s seeking personal growth outside the relationship.

21. She’s expressed feeling unappreciated or taken for granted.


If your wife has mentioned feeling undervalued or has stopped doing things she used to do for you, it could be a cry for attention and appreciation. This might indicate she feels her efforts in the relationship are going unnoticed, leading to a sense of emptiness or dissatisfaction.