Source: Unsplash

Decluttering isn’t just about tidying up – it’s about a mindset shift. When you get rid of all the stuff taking up space in your home that you never use and don’t really even want, you not only make physical room for bigger and better things, but you give yourself more mental space to focus on things that actually bring you joy and fulfillment. What are you waiting for? Grab a trash bag and get rid of these things ASAP.

1. Expired food

Source: Unsplash

Pantry, fridge, freezer – check those dates! Toss anything past its prime. Food safety is no joke — and no, those Chinese leftovers aren’t still okay to eat a week later. Don’t risk getting sick over something that should have been thrown out.

2. Clothes you never wear

Source: Unsplash

If you haven’t worn it in over a year, let it go. Donate items in good condition for someone else to enjoy, and see if you can recycle the rest. Imagine the space it’ll free up for pieces you truly love.

3. Old newspapers or magazines

Source: Unsplash

Recycle those stacks! If a particular article is important, tear it out or find it online. Reduce paper clutter and help the environment. Plus, most news and articles are easily accessible online these days, so you really don’t need a physical copy.

4. Mismatched socks or stretched-out underwear

Source: Unsplash

Time for an underwear drawer refresh! Get rid of anything holey, stretched out, or uncomfortable. You deserve to feel comfortable and confident, starting with your undergarments. A little upgrade can make a big difference.

5. Extra toiletries or unused samples

Source: Unsplash

Donate unopened items to shelters, toss what you won’t actually use. Your unused products could make a huge difference in someone else’s life. And less clutter in your bathroom is always a win.

6. Unused or disliked apps

Source: Unsplash

Free up phone space! Delete apps you haven’t used in ages, streamline your screen. A clean and organized phone equals a calmer mind. Only keep the apps that bring you value.

7. Old electronics and tangled cords

Source: Unsplash

Recycle responsibly or find an electronics donation center. Don’t let e-waste pollute the environment. Someone else might be able to put those electronics to good use.

8. Chipped dishes or mugs

Source: Unsplash

Treat yourself to an unbroken set. No more sadness with your morning coffee. You deserve to enjoy your daily routines with things that bring you joy. A chipped mug definitely doesn’t fit that description.

9. Dried up pens or markers

Source: Unsplash

Test those writing tools – if it’s scratchy or faded, it’s gotta go. Only functional writing tools will make your life easier. Avoid the frustration of trying to use a pen that doesn’t work.

10. Expired makeup and skincare

Source: Unsplash

Check dates, toss ancient products. Your skin (and makeup bag) will thank you. Old makeup can harbor bacteria and irritate your skin. Take care of your complexion with fresh products.

11. Receipts you don’t need

Source: Unsplash

Scan important ones, shred the rest. Less paper clutter = clearer mind. Think of that drawer of old receipts fading away. Decluttering your physical space can boost your mental clarity.

12. Plastic takeout containers (missing lids, stained)

Source: Unsplash

Ditch any container that’s unusable and invest in a matching set. Organized food storage makes meal prep easier. A nice set of containers is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

13. Unloved or unused gifts

Source: Unsplash

Regifting is okay! Or, donate them and let them spark joy for someone else. Don’t let guilt keep items you won’t use. Your gift can bring happiness to the right person.

14. Books you’ll never read or outdated textbooks

Source: Unsplash

Donate them to a library or used bookstore, let them find a new reader. Share the joy of reading and support your local bookstore. Your unread books can have a second life in another person’s hands.

15. Old towels or bedding

Source: Unsplash

Threadbare, stained, or scratchy? Upgrade to a plush new set. Donate old ones to animal shelters. A cozy bed is essential for good sleep. Animal shelters are always in need of soft, clean bedding.

16. Expired sunscreen/lotion/medicine

Source: Unsplash

They lose effectiveness over time. Protect your skin and health – toss the old stuff. Your health is your most important asset. Using expired products can be unsafe.

17. Duplicate tools or kitchen gadgets

Source: Unsplash

Do you really need three pizza cutters? Choose the best ones, let the rest go. Decluttering your kitchen drawers makes cooking more enjoyable. You’ll easily find what you need.

18. Kids’ toys or clothes they’ve outgrown

Source: Unsplash

Donate to make another child happy and clear space in your home. Your children’s old treasures can be loved by a new little one. You’ll make space and create joy at the same time.

19. Junk mail and old bills

Source: Unsplash

Unsubscribe or go paperless to cut down on unwanted flyers and old statements. Less paper arriving in your mailbox feels liberating. You’ll also help reduce waste.

20. Unused craft supplies or hobby gear

Source: Unsplash

Abandoned project? Admit defeat, donate to someone who’ll use them. Avoid the clutter of a hobby you no longer enjoy. Your old supplies will inspire creativity in someone else.

21. Plastic bags or worn-out reusable ones

Source: Unsplash

Most stores recycle plastic bags; ditch any ripped or stained reusable totes. Reducing single-use plastics is a small step toward a healthier planet. Plus, a sturdy reusable tote makes shopping easier.

22. Expired spices and old condiments

Source: Unsplash

They lose flavor! Refresh your kitchen with potent new replacements. Spices are the soul of your cooking. Upgrading those old ones will transform your meals.

23. Old email clutter

Source: Unsplash

Mass delete! Unsubscribe from lists you no longer find useful. A clean inbox is like a breath of fresh air. Take control of your digital space!

24. Tattered or ill-fitting shoes

Source: Unsplash

Treat your feet right! Donate or toss uncomfortable or damaged shoes. Your feet carry you through the world. Give them the support they deserve.

25. Dead or unloved houseplants

Source: Unsplash

Embrace your black thumb, or try again with something easier to maintain. There’s no shame in admitting defeat when it comes to plants. Find a low-maintenance option, or enjoy the beauty of artificial greenery.

26. Outdated tech manuals

Source: Unsplash

Most are available online now! Recycle the paper and free up the drawer space. Minimize clutter and streamline your tech help. You can always find what you need with a quick web search.

27. Old greeting cards or sentimental clutter

Source: Unsplash

Keep truly meaningful ones, the rest can be recycled. Memories are what matter. Don’t confuse the physical object with the emotion. Preserve the love and let go of the unnecessary.

28. Negative self-talk

Source: Unsplash

Perhaps the most important thing to let go of. Practice kinder inner dialogue. You are your own best friend. Talk to yourself the way you would talk to someone you love.