16 Things Everyone Should Experience in Life at Least Once


It’s way too easy to get stuck on repeat in life — same job, same routine, same predictable Netflix binges (though the new season of “Love is Blind” is admittedly pretty addictive). However, if you want to make sure you’re getting the most out of your limited time on planet earth, there are some things you should make sure you experience these things at least once before you take your last breath (which is hopefully a very, very long time from now).

1. Travel somewhere completely unfamiliar.

Source: Unsplash

Ditch the tourist traps. Backpack through Southeast Asia, volunteer in a Moroccan village, or get lost in the Icelandic wilderness. No all-inclusive resorts, no pre-planned tours. Embrace the unknown, get gloriously disoriented, and discover a world beyond your bubble.

2. Learn a skill that makes you seriously sweat.

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Stop with the brainless gym routine (though if running long distances on the treadmill gives you live, by all means, go for it!). Learn Muay Thai, master the tango, or take up rock climbing. Push your body to its limits, feel muscles you never knew existed scream, and discover a newfound respect for what your body can actually achieve. It’ll shock you, I promise!

3. Sleep under the stars (without all that fancy glamping crap).

Source: Unsplash

Ditch the rented cabin or fancy gear because sorry, that doesn’t actually count as camping. Grab a sleeping bag, find a secluded spot (legally, of course), and gaze up at a sky unpolluted by light. Reconnect with nature a bit — some fresh air in your lungs and no cars or noise for miles can do wonders for your mind. This experience will also help you battle your fear of the dark (or whatever creepy crawlies might be lurking), and experience the humbling vastness of the universe.

4. Completely disconnect for a week.

Source: Unsplash

No phone, no internet, no social media. It’s a digital detox unlike any other. You might experience withdrawal symptoms, but you’ll also rediscover the beauty of boredom, spark your creativity, and reconnect with the real world (the one that exists outside a screen).

5. Do something you’re absolutely terrified of.

Source: Unsplash

Public speaking? Heights? Snakes? Face your fear head-on. You might not become a daredevil, but conquering a phobia is a confidence booster like no other. Plus, the story will be epic.

6. Forgive someone who hurt you deeply.

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Forgiving them doesn’t mean you’re condoning bad behavior or forgetting what they did to you. It’s about letting go of the anger and resentment that’s keeping you trapped. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself, not a free pass for the person who screwed up.

7. Spend time with someone who’s radically different to you.

Source: Unsplash

Break out of your echo chamber. Share a meal with someone from a different culture, religion, or political persuasion. Resist the urge to argue and genuinely try to understand their perspective. You might be surprised at what you learn.

8. Live on your own terms for a while.

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Forget societal expectations or what everyone else thinks you “should” do. Dye your hair blue, take a pottery class when you’re supposed to be building a career, or travel with no destination in mind. Define your own version of success. Who’s going to stop you?

9. Invest in an experience, not a thing.

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Instead of buying another gadget or outfit, blow that money on an adventure: a cooking class, concert tickets, or a weekend workshop. The memories will far outlast any material object.

10 spend a day without complaining even once.

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You probably don’t realize how much you whine (it’s fine, we all do it). However, you really should cut it out, even for a day. Focus on all the great stuff you have in your life, resilience, and solutions instead of negativity. It’s tough, but it will completely change your mindset in ways you never even realized were possible.

11. Tell someone exactly how much they mean to you.

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Don’t hold back here. Let your best friend, partner, or a treasured family member know how deeply they’ve touched your life. Don’t wait until it’s too late to share your appreciation.

12. Create something cool from scratch.

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Doesn’t matter what it is: a painting, a short story, a garden, or a birdhouse. The satisfaction of building something with your own hands, from concept to completion, is a special kind of accomplishment.

13. Stand up to a bully.

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That could be in defense of yourself or someone else. Bullies thrive on silence and indifference. Find your voice, call out their crap, and refuse to let them win. It takes guts, but the feeling of empowerment is worth the risk.

14. Spend 24 hours in complete solitude.

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No talking, no human contact whatsoever. Sounds impossible? It is, at first. But the forced introspection can lead to surprising breakthroughs and a better understanding of who you are at your core.

15. Take a calculated risk.

man pensiveSource: Unsplash

Quit a soul-sucking job, start your own side hustle, or ask that amazing person out on a date. Sure, it might blow up in your face. But isn’t that better than playing it safe and forever wondering “what if”?

16. Acknowledge that change is the only constant in life.

woman standing aloneSource: Unsplash

Don’t cling to jobs, relationships, or identities that no longer serve you. Change can be painful, but it’s also essential for growth. Embrace it, even when it’s scary. Learn to go with the flow instead of constantly fighting against the current.