People Who Find It Easy To Talk About Their Feelings Often Have These 15 Traits

Being open about their emotions doesn’t come naturally to everyone.

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A lot of people find it scary, intimidating, and really tough to open up about what’s going on in their heads and hearts, so they bottle it up and compartmentalise it rather than pushing through. However, those who find it easy to say how they feel and get into the nitty-gritty of human emotion tend to be happier and healthier, to boot. Chances are, their comfort with their emotions stems from the fact that they have these qualities, too. If you don’t, they’re definitely worth honing!

1. Their EQ levels are through the roof.

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Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, manage, and express your own emotions, as well as recognise and influence other people’s. People who have this trait in spades are comfortable talking about their feelings because they have a deep understanding of their feelings and can articulate them clearly without feeling overwhelmed.

2. They’re extremely self-aware.

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Self-awareness is key to understanding and expressing emotions. People who are self-aware have a clear sense of who they are, what they feel, and why they feel that way. That level of self-understanding allows them to talk openly about their emotions without confusion or hesitation.

3. They embrace vulnerability.


These people definitely aren’t afraid to be vulnerable. They understand that being open and honest about their emotions, even if it feels uncomfortable, creates deeper connections and builds trust in their relationships. Without being willing to go deep, they know their relationships with always be surface-level at best, and that’s not what they want.

4. They have a supportive environment.

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Having people around you who support you without judgement obviously makes it easier to open up. Whether it’s a partner, friend, or family member, people who talk about their feelings often have someone in their life who listens and accepts them as they are. Having a safe space encourages them to express their emotions more freely.

5. They practise self-compassion.

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Self-compassion involves treating yourself with kindness and understanding during tough times. People who are kind to themselves are more likely to talk openly about their feelings because they’re not afraid of being judged or criticised for their emotions. They’re human, and they embrace that fact rather than fighting or resenting it.

6. They’re emotionally available.

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Emotional availability means being present and open to experiencing emotions, both in themselves and in other people. People who talk about their feelings are emotionally available because they don’t shut down or avoid tough emotions. Instead, they engage with them in a healthy way.

7. They value honesty and transparency.

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Honesty and transparency are important for open communication. These people prioritise authenticity and feel comfortable being open about their emotions, knowing that it creates better relationships and trust. There’s no sense in telling half-truths or putting on a facade—they want connections that are real and enduring, and truthfulness is the only way.

8. They have good communication skills.

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Being able to communicate effectively is a must for discussing feelings. People who can express what’s going on inside them easily often have strong communication skills, which help them express their emotions clearly and thoughtfully, making it easier for other people to understand them.

9. They’re not afraid of conflict.

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Some people avoid talking about their feelings because they’re terrified of confrontation and will do anything they can to avoid it. People who find it easy to express themselves aren’t afraid of conflict; they understand that disagreements are natural and can be constructive if addressed in a respectful way.

10. They’re deeply empathetic.

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Having the ability to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes is a true gift in life. People who are empathetic recognise their own emotions and connect with other people’s, which makes them more willing to express their own feelings and listen to people with compassion.

11. They practise emotional regulation.

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Emotional regulation is the ability to manage intense emotions effectively. People who talk about their feelings easily can regulate their emotions, which helps them express themselves without becoming overwhelmed or excessively reactive. Having this ability helps them communicate their feelings calmly and rationally.

12. They accept and understand their emotions.

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These people never suppress or deny their emotions. What would be the point in that? It wouldn’t alleviate them or make them go away. Instead, they accept that all emotions—whether positive or negative—are a normal part of being human. Accepting that reality makes it easier to talk openly about how they’re feeling.

13. They’re not afraid to ask for help.

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Asking for help is an important part of emotional expression. People who find it easy to talk about their feelings are comfortable seeking support when needed. They understand that vulnerability is a strength and are not afraid to ask for guidance or comfort when they’re struggling.

14. They have strong self-esteem.

Pavel Vladychenko

Self-esteem plays a huge role in emotional expression. People with high self-esteem are more likely to talk about their feelings because they feel confident in who they are and are not afraid to share their thoughts or emotions with other people. They back themselves, and that makes a difference.

15. They’re patient with themselves and other people.

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Patience is key when it comes to emotional expression. These people are patient with themselves during emotional struggles and with other people as they listen to their feelings. Having patience allows them to process emotions without rushing or feeling pressure to hide them.