15 Signs A Man Will Be An Incredible Husband


There’s no one quality that makes someone a good partner — everyone is looking for different things in their romantic relationships, so it really does depend on the person. However, there are certain qualities men have that prove they’ll be amazing husbands. If you happen to meet a guy with these traits — or you’re lucky enough to already be with one — don’t hesitate to say “I do.”

1. His communication skills are on point.

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A man who’s not afraid to express his thoughts and feelings, and who listens actively, is gold. Communication is key in any relationship, and if he’s got this down, he’s already ahead of the game. You don’t want to spend the rest of your life with someone who shies away from being honest and upfront, do you?

2. He’s respectful to everyone, not just you.

a group of friends hikingSource: Unsplash

Pay attention to how he treats others, not just how he treats you. A man who is kind and respectful to everyone, from the waiter to his colleagues, is showing his true colors.

3. He supports your dreams and goals — he’s your biggest fan.

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An incredible husband doesn’t just support you emotionally; he’s your biggest cheerleader. Whether it’s a career move or a personal goal, he’s there, cheering you on. He believes you can do anything you set your mind to, and he feels lucky to be by your side as you achieve it.

4. He keeps his cool during conflicts.

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Every couple fights, but it’s how he fights that matters. If he stays calm, listens, and works towards a solution rather than winning the argument, he’s a keeper. You want to be with someone who doesn’t do and say things he regrets just because he’s lost his temper. It’s fine to be angry, but it’s how you handle those feelings that matter.

5. He never gives you a reason not to trust him.

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Trust is the foundation of a strong marriage. A man who keeps his promises, is reliable, and honest, even in small things, is showing he can be trusted with your heart. The last thing you want is to be full of doubt and second-guessing a guy for the rest of your life.

6. He shares your core values and beliefs.

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Alignment in fundamental values and beliefs is non-negotiable, especially if you’re trying to build a relationship that lasts. A man who shares your outlook on life, family, finances, and morality is likely to be a compatible life partner.

7. He’s got emotional intelligence in spades.

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A man who can understand and manage his own emotions, as well as empathize with others, is a gem. Emotional intelligence is key to a healthy and understanding relationship. Ain’t nobody got time for a husband who’s emotionally repressed and/or avoidant!

8. He’s willing to compromise.

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No one gets their way all the time. A great husband knows the importance of compromise and is willing to meet halfway for the health of the relationship. While it can’t be 50/50 all the time, it should be as close to equal as possible as often as possible. That’s literally how a healthy relationship works.

9. He celebrates your successes as if they were his own.

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A man who genuinely feels happy and proud of your achievements is someone who truly supports you. Jealousy has no room in a healthy partnership. You want a husband who’s ready to let off the confetti for even your smallest wins. That’s the kind of relationship every woman dreams of.

10. He takes responsibility for his actions.

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Owning up to mistakes and learning from them is a sign of maturity. A man who can apologize and make amends is someone who’s committed to growth and improvement. He’s not perfect, he knows it, and that’s okay. That will make him more gracious when you mess up too (which you inevitably will).

11. He prioritizes quality time with you.

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Time is one of the most precious gifts. A man who makes a conscious effort to spend quality time with you, valuing your presence over distractions, is showing his commitment and love.

12. He respects your boundaries.

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A man who understands and respects your personal boundaries demonstrates a deep level of respect for you. This consideration is vital for a healthy, long-lasting relationship. Just because you’re married doesn’t mean you don’t still deserve your own time, space, and life outside the relationship. He should know that.

13. He’s patient and understanding.

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Patience is a virtue, especially in a marriage. A patient man doesn’t rush decisions or get easily frustrated, and understands that growth takes time, is someone you can count on during life’s ups and downs. You have all the time in the world — there’s no need to speed up time.

14. He’s good with money.

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Financial responsibility is a key aspect of a stable life. A man who manages his finances well, plans for the future, and is prudent with money decisions is preparing for a secure life with you. You don’t want someone who spends all his money on video games and other useless stuff and then claims he can’t pay the bills.

15. He has a killer sense of humor.

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Never underestimate the power of laughter. A man who can make you laugh, especially during tough times, and doesn’t take himself too seriously, adds brightness and resilience to your life together.

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