Sneaky Ways Gaslighting Manifests In “Loving” Relationships


Gaslighting is a nasty form of manipulation that makes you question your own sanity. It’s not always loud or dramatic; gaslighting can be incredibly subtle, creeping into your relationship under the guise of love and concern. Let’s look at some sneaky ways it shows up. The more aware you are, the easier it is to nip it in the bud when you notice it crop up.

1. “You’re too sensitive!”

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They downplay your emotions and make you feel crazy for being upset. They might twist the situation, blaming you for misinterpreting their intentions. This leaves you feeling guilty about having perfectly normal emotional reactions. It’s a way to silence your voice and make you question your right to feel certain emotions.

2. That never happened…

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They deny past events, conversations, or promises, leaving you confused and doubting your memory. They’ll act surprised you even brought up the issue, as if the whole thing is a figment of your imagination. They might even suggest you look back at old texts or emails for “proof,” subtly implying you tend to misremember things. This constant denial aims to make you feel like you can’t trust your own recollection of events.

3. Everyone else thinks you’re the problem.

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They isolate you, claiming your friends and family agree you’re overreacting. They’ll spin stories about how your loved ones express worry about your behavior. This tactic makes you feel alone and unsupported, strengthening the gaslighter’s control. It’s a way of cutting you off from outside perspectives that could challenge their manipulation.

4. You’re imagining things.

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They dismiss your concerns and make you feel like everything is in your head. They might shrug off your observations and tell you to stop making something out of nothing. This kind of dismissive behavior can make you wonder if you’re truly seeing things clearly. They want you to doubt your own sense of reality.

5. It’s a joke! Can’t you take a joke?

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They disguise hurtful comments as humor, leaving you feeling foolish for objecting. Follow-up comments like “lighten up” or “you have no sense of humor” add to the sting. This undercuts your right to feel hurt and frames your valid reactions as unreasonable. They aim to make you feel like you’re the problem for not tolerating their “harmless” jokes.

6. I only do it because I love you.

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They justify their manipulative behavior as caring for your well-being. They might claim their words or actions, however hurtful, are for your own good. This twisted logic makes it harder to recognize the abuse for what it is. It’s a ploy to make you feel grateful for their control instead of recognizing it as harmful.

7. I never said that. You’re twisting my words.

couple fightSource: Unsplash

They change the narrative of conversations, making you question what was really said. They could flatly contradict what you remember them saying or spin their words in a way that completely changes their meaning. This constant rewriting of reality leaves you feeling disoriented. They want you to feel unsure of what’s true so that you rely solely on their version of events.

8. You always exaggerate everything.

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They minimize your experiences, making your feelings seem unreasonable. They’ll accuse you of constantly blowing things out of proportion or being dramatic. This tactic erodes your confidence in your ability to assess situations accurately. They want you to feel like your reactions are never justified.

9. You’re jealous and insecure.

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Whenever you raise valid concerns, they turn it back on you and your supposed flaws. They aim to make you question your own motives and portray your worries as stemming from personal inadequacies. This deflects attention away from their own questionable behavior. They want you to doubt your own worthiness instead of questioning their actions.

10. Why are you always starting arguments?

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They blame you for any conflict, shifting responsibility away from themselves. They refuse to acknowledge their role in the disagreement, even if they were the instigator. This makes you feel like the relationship is always on the brink of falling apart solely because of you. They want you to constantly feel like you need to make amends and fix the relationship.

11. You need help. Seriously.

unhappy sad coupleSource: Unsplash

They suggest there’s something mentally wrong with you to undermine your perceptions. They might express faux concern about your mental health or hint that you’re becoming unstable. This plants seeds of self-doubt and makes you less likely to trust your own experiences. This is an extreme tactic aimed at breaking down your sense of self.

12. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

unhappy coupleSource: Unsplash

They feign ignorance or simply refuse to engage with your concerns. They stonewall you, leaving you without any closure or resolution on the issue. This frustrating tactic keeps you stuck in a limbo of confusion and self-blame. They want you to give up seeking an explanation or resolution and fall back into accepting their version of events.