
Maybe you think class has to do with how much money you have in the bank or whether or not you’re sporting designer labels, but the truth is anything but. True class is about how you carry yourself and the way you treat the people around you. As such, here are some things classy people wouldn’t be caught dead doing.


Aced that presentation? Fantastic! Classy people don’t downplay their achievements with thinly veiled “woe is me” stories. Be proud, but let your successes speak for themselves. Fishing for compliments makes you seem insecure, not humble.


Grown adults don’t spread rumors or tear others down. Classy people understand bad-mouthing reflects poorly on you, not them. Focus on building others up, not indulging in needless gossip. It creates a toxic environment and makes you look petty.

One-up people in conversation

Conversations aren’t contests to prove your dominance. Classy people listen attentively and show genuine interest in what others have to say. It’s about creating connections, not proving your superiority. Let others share their stories and ask thoughtful questions.


Bragging about connections is tacky and makes anyone who does it look sad and insecure. Classy people let their actions and accomplishments speak for themselves. True influence doesn’t require constant reminders of who you know. If you have to constantly mention important figures in your life, it raises questions about your own achievements.

Go nuts with PDA

There’s a time and place for everything. Classy couples show affection with respect, not making everyone around them uncomfortable. Keep the passionate smooches for private moments. A quick peck on the cheek or holding hands shows affection without being overwhelming.

Treat service staff like idiots/inconveniences

Everyone deserves respect, regardless of their job. A classy person acknowledges and appreciates those who make their life easier. A simple “thank you” and making eye contact go a long way. Treating service staff poorly makes you look entitled and arrogant.

Complain nonstop

Life throws curveballs, but classy people don’t become walking negativity magnets. They focus on solutions, not dwelling on problems. Everyone faces challenges, but constantly complaining is draining for everyone around you.

Make major fashion faux pas

Clothes matter, but looking put-together isn’t about expensive brands. Classy people dress appropriately for the occasion, with a timeless sense of style over fleeting trends. Focus on well-fitting clothes that flatter your body and make you feel confident.

Live beyond their means

Keeping up with the Joneses is a recipe for financial disaster. Classy people live within their means, prioritizing experiences over unnecessary material possessions. True luxury is financial freedom, not crushing debt under designer heels.

Be a flake

Respect other people’s time. A classy person shows up on time, keeps their commitments, and communicates clearly if something changes. Reliability is a cornerstone of class. Being flaky shows people your word can’t be trusted.

Overshare on social media

Giving TMI is a major turn-off. Classy people curate their online presence, keeping it professional and positive. There’s a line between sharing and oversharing. Oversharing can damage your reputation and make you look unprofessional.

Hold grudges for way too long

Letting resentment fester hurts you more than anyone else. Classy people forgive, learn from mistakes, and move forward. Holding onto negativity only weighs you down.

Take credit for anyone else’s work

Stealing someone’s thunder is a classless move. A classy person acknowledges and celebrates other peopel’s contributions. Give credit where credit is due – it encourages trust and respect. And hey, if you really want to get on their level, use it as inspiration to work harder! Next time, everyone might be championing your ideas/work.

Have arguments in public

Disagreements happen, but classy people handle them privately and respectfully. Don’t air your dirty laundry in public, as it won’t make either of you look good. Take a breather and discuss things calmly later. Your days of drunken brawls on the sidewalk should be long over.

Make promises they can’t keep

Your word is your bond, and a classy person is honest and reliable. Don’t make promises you know you can’t keep, it erodes trust and makes you look flaky. Only commit to what you can realistically deliver.

Show disrespectful body language

Slouching, crossing your arms, or having a generally apathetic or even stand-offish vibe is not the way to go. Non-verbal communication speaks volumes. Classy people maintain good posture, make eye contact, and project confidence. Slouching or looking disinterested shows a lack of respect and engagement.

Judge people based on their background

Everyone deserves respect, regardless of race, religion, or how much money they have. A classy person values diversity and treats everyone with dignity. Judging or making assumptions about someone based on superficial factors is the opposite of class – it’s prejudice.