10 Things Men Do That Make Women Roll Their Eyes

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As a straight woman, I obviously love men. However, they do so many things that really drive me — and most of my friends — completely nuts because they’re so obnoxious. Here are some of their worst offenses. Why do they do this stuff?!

1. Thinking every woman who’s nice to them must want them

Just because a woman is nice to you doesn’t mean she’s into you. It’s a tired narrative. Women can be friendly without any romantic or sexual undertones. Men who assume otherwise are not just missing the point; they’re making women uncomfortable and frustrated.

2. Not respecting personal space

Not respecting personal space is a huge red flag. Whether it’s standing too close or touching without consent, it’s not just bad manners; it’s a violation. Women value their personal space just as much as men do. Crossing that boundary uninvited is a surefire way to get the eye roll.

3. Being overly confident in bed

Confidence is good, but overconfidence, especially in bed, is a turn-off. It often comes with a lack of attention to what the woman actually wants or enjoys. This macho attitude can ruin what should be a mutual experience, leaving women more annoyed than impressed.

4. Not taking “no” for an answer

Ignoring the word “no” isn’t persistence; it’s a blatant disregard for women’s consent and boundaries. Whether it’s in a bar, during a date, or in any interaction, ignoring a woman’s refusal is not just disrespectful, it’s alarming. This behavior makes women roll their eyes in disbelief and annoyance.

5. Asserting their masculinity in inappropriate situations

There’s a time and place for everything, but showcasing masculinity in inappropriate situations is cringeworthy. It’s not about the gym gains or how many beers you can down. Trying too hard to prove manliness, especially in situations that don’t call for it, is a sure shot way to make women roll their eyes.

6. Not listening

It’s glaringly obvious when a man is not really listening. Giving that vacant nod while clearly zoning out is both disrespectful and infuriating. Women want to be heard, not humored. When you don’t genuinely listen, it’s not just rude; it’s a sign you don’t value what they’re saying.

7. Not cleaning up after themselves

Not cleaning up after yourself isn’t just sloppy; it’s infantile. Women are not your caretakers. Expecting them to pick up after your mess is not just outdated, it’s downright disrespectful. It’s a shared space, not your personal dumpster. Just put your clothes in the hamper, wash your dishes, and wash your beard hair out of the sink. It’s really not that hard!

8. Being way too competitive

Being overly competitive, especially over trivial things, is exhausting. It’s not about always winning or proving a point. This constant need to compete can turn friendly games or casual conversations into stressful situations, making women roll their eyes at the unnecessary intensity.

9. Finding any possible excuse to make innuendos

Unwarranted sexual innuendos aren’t just cringe-worthy; they’re often creepy. It’s not flirting if it’s unwelcome. This behavior reduces meaningful interactions to cheap banter, showing a lack of respect and maturity. It’s also just really annoying. Women want to have a conversation that has nothing to do with sex sometimes (mean: most of the time).

10. Talking over people (particularly women)

Interrupting or talking over people, especially women, is not just bad conversation etiquette; it’s a power play. It implies what they have to say is more important, effectively silencing the other person. This dominating behavior is a clear sign of disrespect, and it’s frustratingly common. Women don’t just want to be part of the conversation; they want to be listened to.