Pavel Vladychenko

We all like to think we’re open-minded and not stuck in our ways.

However, the truth is that most of us have preconceived notions and biases that we’ll never willingly shift. That’s just part of being human! However, if you want to know if someone’s truly receptive and amenable, keep a listen out for these phrases.

1. “Tell me more about that.”

Source: Unsplash

This simple phrase demonstrates genuine interest and encourages further discussion. It shows that you value the other person’s thoughts and are eager to understand their perspective more deeply. It also opens the door for a richer exchange of ideas.

2. “I hadn’t considered that before.”

Envato Elements

This phrase acknowledges that you’re open to new information and willing to adjust your views based on what you learn. It shows humility and a willingness to grow. It also encourages the other person to share more, knowing that their ideas are being valued.

3. “I’m curious to hear your thoughts on this.”

Envato Elements

When someone says this, they invite the other person to share their perspective, creating a space for open dialogue. It shows that you value their opinion and are willing to consider different viewpoints. It also fosters a sense of collaboration and mutual respect.

4. “What can I learn from this?”

Envato Elements

This question reflects a growth mindset and a desire to learn from every experience. It shows that you’re not afraid of challenges or mistakes but see them as opportunities for growth. It also conveys a sense of resilience and adaptability.

5. “I might be wrong, but…”

Valerii Honcharuk

This demonstrates humility and a willingness to admit when you’re unsure or mistaken. It opens the door for correction and clarification, allowing you to learn and grow from your mistakes. It also creates a safe space for other people to share their knowledge and insights.

6. “I’m open to other possibilities.”

Envato Elements

This expression shows that you’re not rigidly attached to your own beliefs and are willing to consider alternative viewpoints. It invites further exploration and discussion, leading to a deeper understanding of the issue at hand. It also fosters a sense of collaboration and mutual respect.

7. “What if we look at this from a different angle?”

Unai Huizi

This question challenges assumptions and encourages creative problem-solving. It shows that you’re not afraid to think outside the box and explore different solutions. It also promotes a collaborative approach, inviting other people to contribute their unique perspectives.

8. “I’m willing to change my mind if presented with new information.”

Envato Elements

This statement demonstrates intellectual flexibility and a commitment to truth-seeking. It shows that you’re not afraid to admit when you’re wrong or to update your beliefs based on new evidence. It also cr

9. “That’s a valid point.”

Jordi Mora (Jordi Tudela)

Acknowledging the validity of someone else’s perspective, even if you don’t entirely agree with it, shows respect and a willingness to engage in constructive dialogue. It encourages further discussion and allows you to explore the issue from multiple angles.

10. “I’m always learning.”

Envato Elements

Embracing a lifelong learning mindset demonstrates a commitment to personal growth and development. It shows that you’re not afraid of change or new challenges, but rather see them as opportunities to expand your knowledge and understanding.

11. “Let’s explore this further.”

Envato Elements

This invites deeper exploration and analysis of a topic, showing a desire to go beyond surface-level understanding. It encourages curiosity and a willingness to challenge assumptions, leading to a more comprehensive and nuanced perspective.

12. “I appreciate your perspective.”


Expressing gratitude for someone else’s viewpoint, even if it differs from your own, fosters a sense of mutual respect and appreciation. It encourages open communication and creates a safe space for diverse opinions to be shared and considered.

13. “What are the potential consequences?”

Envato Elements

This question reflects a thoughtful and analytical approach to decision-making. It shows that you’re willing to consider the potential outcomes of your choices, both positive and negative, before making a decision. It also demonstrates a sense of responsibility and accountability.

14. “I’m willing to compromise.”

Envato Elements

Flexibility and a willingness to compromise are key traits of open-minded people. This expression shows that you’re willing to find common ground and work towards a solution that benefits everyone involved. It also fosters a sense of collaboration and mutual respect.

15. “Let’s brainstorm some solutions.”

Envato Elements

Saying this invites creative problem-solving and a collaborative approach. It shows that you’re open to different ideas and willing to work with other people to find the best possible solution. It also fosters a sense of teamwork and shared responsibility.

16. “I’m here to listen.”

Envato Elements

Sometimes, the most open-minded thing you can do is simply listen. This expression shows that you’re present and attentive, willing to hear what other people have to say without judgment or interruption. It also fosters a sense of trust and understanding.

17. “I trust your judgment.”

Vladimirs Poplavskis

Trusting other people’s judgment demonstrates respect and confidence in their abilities. It empowers them to share their thoughts and opinions freely, knowing that they will be taken seriously. It also fosters a sense of collaboration and shared responsibility.

18. “What can we learn from each other?”


This question reflects a belief in the value of diversity and the importance of learning from different perspectives. It shows that you’re open to new ideas and willing to challenge your own assumptions. It also fosters a sense of community and shared learning.