Ashley Cropper | The Sense Hub

We’ve all met those people who just seem a bit… shallow. While they might be fun to hang out with occasionally, they don’t make for the most meaningful connections. Here are some tell-tale signs that someone might be lacking in substance.

1. It’s All Surface-Level Chat.

male and female colleague chatting at cafeSource: Unsplash

They stick to small talk about the weather, pop culture, or the latest gossip. Attempts to dig deeper into more meaningful topics are met with blank stares or a quick change of subject. It’s like trying to have a philosophy discussion with a goldfish. There’s just not much going on beneath the surface.

2. Image is Everything.

three female friends chatting in field of flowersSource: Unsplash

They’re obsessed with appearances – their own and others. Conversations revolve around clothes, status symbols, and who’s dating who. They prize material things over personal growth or interesting ideas. They remind you that all that glitters isn’t gold. Sometimes what’s on the inside matters far more.

3. They Lack Curiosity.

Source: Unsplash

They don’t seem interested in learning or exploring new things. The world outside their own little bubble holds little fascination. Asking about their passions or hobbies is likely to draw a blank. It’s like their sense of wonder got lost somewhere along the way. A little curiosity keeps life interesting!

4. They Have Zero Filter.

Source: Unsplash

They say whatever pops into their heads without considering how it might affect others. Tact and empathy aren’t their strong suits. They sometimes blurt out rude or insensitive comments without a second thought. They put their foot in their mouth so often, it’s like they’re trying to break a record. Word of advice: think before you speak!

5. They’re Easily Distracted.

man and woman talking at therapySource: Unsplash

Sustaining their attention is a challenge. They’re constantly scrolling through their phone or looking around the room, unable to focus on the conversation or the person in front of them. It makes you feel unimportant and like your time is being wasted. A little focus could go a long way in building relationships.

6. It’s All About the Drama.

Source: Unsplash

They thrive on conflict and gossip. Their stories always seem to involve some sort of interpersonal drama, and they love spreading rumors or stirring the pot. They live for the messiness. It’s like their life is a reality TV show, and not a particularly good one.

7. They Base Their Opinions on Trends.

Source: Unsplash

They don’t have their own well-formed opinions. They just parrot whatever is popular on social media or echo what the cool kids are saying. Not only that, but they lack the capacity for critical thinking. It makes them seem like an empty shell, just bouncing along with the latest fads. Forming your thoughts makes you a much more interesting person!

8. They Never Admit They’re Wrong.

unhappy couple fightSource: Unsplash

Even when confronted with evidence, they refuse to concede a point or consider another perspective. They’re more interested in preserving their ego than engaging in a thoughtful discussion. Their stubbornness gets old fast. Everyone makes mistakes, but the ability to admit them is key.

9. They’re Terrible with Feelings.

Source: Unsplash

They have difficulty expressing their own emotions in a healthy way, and show little empathy for yours. They dismiss emotional experiences as “drama” or seem impatient with any display of vulnerability. It makes it difficult to connect with them on a deeper level. Emotional intelligence is non-negotiable for healthy relationships.

10. Their Promises Mean Nothing.

couple fightSource: Unsplash

They’re flaky and unreliable. They make plans and break them with no regard for your time. Not only that, but they’ll promise to help out and then conveniently “forget.” Their words are empty. You need someone you can actually count on.

11. They Have No Interest in Your Life.

Source: Unsplash

They rarely ask questions about you or show any genuine interest in what’s going on in your world. The conversation always drifts back to their favorite subject: themselves. It’s a one-sided friendship, and that’s no fun for anyone. Healthy relationships are about give and take.

12. They Leave You Feeling Drained.

Source: Unsplash

Interactions with them are more exhausting than fulfilling. You leave feeling like you didn’t have a real connection or that you learned anything new. They take far more than they give in a relationship. It ends up being all about them, and you’re left feeling depleted. Your time is valuable, so invest it in relationships that uplift you!