17 Things Every Man Should Know How To Do Around The House


Gone are the days when home maintenance was considered “women’s work.” In a modern world, knowing how to handle basic repairs and tasks around the house is not just about saving money on handyman calls – it’s about being a responsible, self-sufficient adult. Whether you live alone, with a partner, or have a family, these essential skills will contribute to a smoother-running, safer, and more comfortable home for everyone.

1. Fix a leaky faucet

That constant drip-drip-drip is more than just annoying; it’s wasting water and driving up your utility bills. Most leaky faucets can be fixed by replacing a worn-out washer – a simple and inexpensive DIY project. Plenty of online tutorials can guide you through the process, tailored to your specific faucet type.

2. Unclog a drain

Whether it’s a slow-draining sink in the bathroom or a stubborn shower clogged with hair, knowing how to tackle a clogged drain is a must. Start with basic tools like a plunger or a drain snake. If that doesn’t do the trick, you can try natural solutions with baking soda and vinegar before resorting to harsh chemical drain cleaners.

3. Hang pictures and shelves securely

Hanging pictures might seem straightforward, but there’s a right way and a very wrong way to do it. Learn how to find a wall stud to support heavier frames, use the correct anchors and screws depending on the item you’re hanging, and even how to use a level to ensure everything’s straight.

4. Patch holes in drywall

Dents, dings, and nail holes happen to the best of us. Learning how to patch drywall makes a huge difference in the appearance of your home. It’s a relatively easy process involving spackling compound, sanding, and a bit of paint for a seamless finish.

5. Replace a light fixture

Swapping out old light fixtures for updated styles can instantly transform a room. While it’s always recommended to consult an electrician for major electrical work, basic light fixture replacement is surprisingly manageable. The key is to turn off the power at the breaker box, follow the instructions for your specific fixture carefully, and never hesitate to call in a pro if you feel unsure.

6. Silence squeaky doors and floors

A squeaky door hinge or floorboard isn’t just an annoyance; it could be a sign of a bigger issue. Often, a quick fix with some lubricant, graphite powder, or even a strategically placed wedge can eliminate that ear-piercing squeak. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent unnecessary wear and tear.

7. Reset a tripped circuit breaker

When you lose power to a section of your home, it’s likely a tripped circuit breaker. Knowing where your breaker box is located, how to identify a tripped breaker, and how to safely reset it is crucial for restoring power (and your sanity when you realize you just need to flip a switch!)

8. Change air filters in your HVAC system

This simple task has a huge impact on your home’s air quality and the efficiency of your heating and cooling system. Dirty air filters make your HVAC system work harder, leading to higher energy bills and potential breakdowns. Check the manufacturer’s recommendations for how often to replace your specific filters, and make it a regular part of your home maintenance routine.

9. Tighten loose screws and handles

Loose doorknobs, wobbly cabinet handles, and wiggly hinges can be fixed with a simple screwdriver in a matter of minutes. Ignoring these minor issues can lead to bigger problems down the road, so it’s best to nip them in the bud.

10. Caulk gaps and cracks

Caulk is a handyman’s best friend, sealing gaps around windows, doors, bathtubs, and sinks. Learning how to apply caulk neatly prevents drafts, water intrusion, and even keeps pests from sneaking in. Knowing the differences between various types of caulk (silicone, acrylic latex, etc.) will help you choose the right one for the job at hand.

11. Stop a running toilet

A constantly running toilet wastes an alarming amount of water. The culprit is often a worn-out flapper valve or a faulty fill valve. These toilet parts are readily available at hardware stores, and replacing them is a relatively easy DIY fix with the help of online resources.

12. Clean gutters

Clogged gutters can lead to water damage, roof leaks, and become breeding grounds for pests. While it’s not the most glamorous task, regularly cleaning your gutters is essential preventative maintenance. Invest in a sturdy ladder, gloves, and have a plan for safely disposing of the gunk you collect.

13. Plunge a toilet (the right way)

Before reaching for harsh chemicals, try plunging a clogged toilet effectively. Using the right kind of plunger and proper technique is key to avoid further clogs or messy disasters. There are plenty of resources online to teach you how to wield this essential tool like a pro.

14. Paint a room

Painting is one of the most affordable ways to give any room a major facelift. While it may seem intimidating at first, proper preparation (taping, drop cloths), selecting the right paint, and mastering basic painting techniques will have you tackling projects with confidence.

15. Know how to shut off your water main

In case of major leaks or burst pipes, knowing how to locate your water main shutoff valve and turn it off quickly can save you from serious water damage. Every homeowner should know where this valve is and how to operate it in case of an emergency.

16. Troubleshoot basic appliance issues

When your dishwasher starts acting up or your dryer isn’t drying, some basic troubleshooting skills save you the cost of a service call. Start by consulting the appliance manual or searching for solutions online. Often, the problem is something simple you can easily fix yourself.

17. Mow the lawn properly (and maintain your mower)

Mowing your lawn may seem straightforward, but there are proper techniques to ensure a healthy, look good lawn. Learning about ideal cutting height for your grass type, alternating your mowing pattern, and basic lawn mower maintenance like sharpening blades and changing the oil will keep your yard looking sharp.