Why Your Life Isn’t a Failure If You Don’t Get Married and Have Kids

Unsplash/Tabitha Turner

Society loves a neat timeline: meet someone special, get married, buy a house, pop out a couple of kids… that’s supposed to be the recipe for a fulfilling life, right? But what if those milestones don’t appeal to you? Let’s bust some myths about the necessity of marriage and kids for happiness, and celebrate the diverse ways to create a life you truly love.

1. You have more control over your own destiny.

When you’re not bound by the needs of a partner or children, you have unparalleled freedom in shaping your life. Travel on a whim, change careers drastically, move across the country for an opportunity – you make decisions based solely on what best serves YOU. It’s a level of autonomy that can be exhilarating!

2. Focus on self-discovery and personal growth without compromise.

Relationships and parenthood demand self-sacrifice, The New Republic notes. When single and childfree, you have time to truly explore who YOU are. Dive into therapy, try every hobby that catches your interest, grapple with the big life questions… this kind of focused self-discovery is crucial for building a strong foundation that shapes all your future choices.

3. You get to define what “family” means to you.

Family is about love, support, and a sense of belonging. This doesn’t have to look like the traditional nuclear model. Your chosen family might be amazing friends, close blood relatives even without having a spouse or kids of your own, a thriving pet-filled home, or a community of like-minded individuals.

4. Deeper friendships that truly nourish your soul.

Without the demands of a marriage or kids consuming your time and energy, you can invest deeply in truly fulfilling friendships. These are your ride-or-die people who celebrate your wins, provide unconditional support through the hard times, and make life richer with shared adventures and soul-deep connection.

5. Pursue your passions with single-minded focus.

Build that business, write that novel, get insanely good at that niche hobby – your time is yours to allocate as you please. This freedom allows for the kind of sustained focus on your own dreams that often gets sacrificed when family obligations enter the picture.

6. Financial freedom and flexibility.

Kids are EXPENSIVE! And even without children, couples often combine finances and have to compromise on spending. When you’re single, your money is your own to do with as you please – save for early retirement, splurge on exotic travel, or invest in experiences that fill your life with joy.

7. Your career can soar without compromises.

Working crazy hours? Travel for weeks at a time? Take big risks with a start-up? These ambitions are harder to achieve (or are downright impossible) for many parents. Staying single opens doors to career possibilities and allows you to give your professional life your all, if that’s what makes you thrive.

8. Spontaneity is your middle name.

Last-minute music festival with friends? Weekend road trip because the weather’s perfect? Tuesday evening drinks stretching into the late hours just because? Your social life is infinitely more flexible when you don’t have to coordinate with partners, babysitters, or stick to a kid-friendly schedule. Embrace that freedom!

9. Avoid the pressure to settle for “good enough”.

There’s immense pressure to couple up by a certain age. This can lead to marrying the wrong person just to avoid being alone, which is a recipe for unhappiness. Staying single means you never have to settle for anything less than a truly extraordinary partnership IF that’s what you want – and if not, you’re thriving perfectly well on your own!

10. You learn true self-reliance.

Leaky faucet? Tax returns? Car trouble? All yours to figure out. This builds practical skills, confidence, and a problem-solving mindset. You’ll never feel helpless or have to wait for someone else to swoop in and “save” you, because you know you are fully capable of handling whatever life throws your way.

11. Your home is your sanctuary, truly your own.

Messy pile of books by the bed, nerdy fandom posters on the wall, kitchen stocked with only foods YOU love – your space is an unapologetic reflection of your personality and tastes. There’s no compromising or having to accommodate someone else’s aesthetic.

12. You have more opportunity to give back.

Without the demands of a family, you have more free time and resources to volunteer, support causes you believe in, or mentor others. Making a positive impact in your community and beyond provides a deep sense of purpose and adds immense richness to your life.

13. Silence and solitude are readily available whenever you need them.

Feeling overstimulated or frazzled? You can retreat to the comforting silence of your own home, where nobody needs your attention. This ability to recharge in solitude is a powerful tool for managing stress and maintaining emotional well-being in a world that’s constantly vying for our attention.

14. You dodge a lot of relationship drama.

Arguments, jealousy, passive-aggressiveness, complicated in-law dynamics… there’s a certain amount of drama that comes with the territory of even the healthiest romantic relationships. Staying single allows you to side-step a lot of that emotional turmoil and simply focus on relationships that are drama-free and uplifting.

15. Less chance of major heartbreak.

Marriages end in divorce. People who seem perfect for each other grow apart. While you might experience romantic heartbreaks, opting out of a lifelong commitment reduces the risk of that one soul-crushing, world-shattering loss that comes with the territory of all-in, ’til-death-do-us-part love.

16. Your legacy can take many forms.

Sure, passing on your genes is one way to leave your mark on the world. But you could also build a company that changes lives, create art that speaks to people for generations, mentor youth who then change the world… legacies don’t require biological offspring.